2 people sharing: [1hr = £25 // 2hrs = £40 // 3hrs = £70 // 5hrs = £100 ]
3+ people sharing: [1hr = £20 // 2hrs = £30 // 3hrs = £60 // 5hrs = £80 ]
UK - For me to come to you in the UK, add 30p per mile [return trip also] to the above lesson fees, calculated from the SEVERN BRIDGE - CHEPSTOW M4.
For ME to come to YOU in EUROPE, please conctact me with your home/venue details. It is possible, as I have done this previously using low cost airlines. It would require a minimum of 360 euros worth of lessons TOTAL
2 people sharing: [1hr=35 euros //2hrs=60 //3hrs=100 //5hrs=145]
3+ people sharing: [1hr=30 euros //2hrs=45 //3hrs=90 //5hrs=115]
Email : mail@r-o-d-d-y-t-r-u-m-p-e-t.cc
© 2017 Roddy Trumpet . All Rights Reserved
In order to get informed, if you have question, feel free to contact me directly or using an email form